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District 22 D Website
Lions Clubs International
July 2014 Monthly Message:
We are back from International Convention and I am blowing my whistle. Which way will we go?
What will we do?
As we begin a new year in Lionism, let me first thank you, the Lions of District 22-D, for electing me as your District
Governor. Being your Governor is indeed an honor and a privilege, and I'm looking forward to working with all of you
through the many activities and challenges that lie ahead. I would also like to thank Immediate Past District Governor Mary
Lee Phillips for all her hard work and time that she put into making her year - and our district - a success. She accomplished
much and we are a better district for it. And….to the Past District Governors for your guidance and support. I could not have
made it this far without you.
Our new International President, Joseph Preston, has asked that we serve this year with PRIDE; not by being boastful, but
by building our communities, providing meaningful service, and helping those who are less fortunate than ourselves. This is
the key to success, not just for this year, but for many years to come.
This is also the year of pulling together and working together - as a team. This means helping each other and putting aside
personal feelings for one another at a moment's notice. Let's help our weak clubs become stronger and to grow in
membership; a purpose that rises above and beyond our own selves.
As I close out my first article, let me just say: Have a fantastic year and do not forget to have FUN - whether you are
conducting business or going about making your community a better place in which to live. Encourage your club to engage
friends, family, and community members to participate in your projects. This will give them the opportunity to learn first-
hand what we do, the camaraderie we share, and to understand what our motto "We Serve" is all about.
Cheryl Jones,
District Governor